
Get health benefits from canned tuna

A saltwater fish related to mackerel is the tuna. It is one of the most consumed fish in the world and comes in eight different commercial kinds, ranging in size from the small skipjack tuna to the huge bluefin.

Fresh tuna, which can be consumed either raw or cooked, and tinned tuna (which is always pre-cooked). In the UK, tuna in cans is packed in oil, spring water, sunflower oil, or brine.

Get health benefits from canned tuna


Learn more about the advantages of different fish, including salmon, for your health by exploring our entire collection of health benefit guides with LKS, the orbital pharmaceutical and farming products supplier coming from Vietnam. Also, have a look at some of our mouthwatering tuna recipes, such as our sesame tuna steaks with Asian slaw and tuna & lemon pasta.


Nutrition advantages of canned versus fresh tuna

When comparing fresh tuna to tuna that has been canned in brine, there isn't much of a difference in the amount of protein or lipids. Fresh tuna has slightly more calories and greater protein by nature.

100g of canned tuna in brine offers the following nutrients:

  • 460 kJ/109 kcal
  • 24.9 g of protein
  • 1.0g fat
  • 69 mcg of selenium
  • 0.733g salt


Fresh tuna in cooked form, 100g, provides:

  • 32.3 g of protein;
  • 0.8 g of fat;
  • 92 mcg of selenium;
  • 0.158 g of sodium.


Get health benefits from canned tuna


When you purchase tuna that has been canned in oil, you may anticipate a rise in fat content to about 6.4g per 100g and an increase in calories to roughly 159 calories per 100g. To ensure that the tuna you are purchasing is sustainable, seek for the Marine Stewardship Council Fisheries Standard (MSC) label.


Top 5 health advantages of tuna in cans


1. source of premium protein


Fish is a good source of protein, and canned tuna in particular provides an economical source of protein and serves as a practical pantry staple.


2. Beneficial source of taurine, an amino acid


Seafood, notably fish like tuna, is a good source of the amino acid taurine and a good source of protein. According to studies, this amino acid may be beneficial in preventing heart disease.


3. Beneficial source of minerals and vitamins


Get health benefits from canned tuna

B vitamins, especially niacin (B3), which benefits the neurological system and skin, are present in both fresh and canned tuna. Additionally, tuna provides magnesium, which is necessary for energy, calcium, which supports strong bones and muscular contractions, and vitamin D, which helps the immune system, bone health, and cognitive function. Vitamin D content in fresh tuna is double that of canned tuna (per 100g).


4. Low in fat


The 100g edible component of tuna contains only 1g of fat, and the same is true of tuna that has been canned in spring water or brine.

The UK's official recommendations on oily fish changed in 2018, and tuna is no longer considered to be a suitable source, despite earlier having been regarded as an oily species of fish that is thought to be excellent for heart health. This is due to the fact that recent research indicates that fresh tuna contains levels of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are more akin to those in white fish.


5. Might help with weight control


Get health benefits from canned tuna


A valuable addition to a weight loss diet, tuna—including canned tuna in spring water or brine—is low in fat and calories and high in protein.


Is all tuna, including canned tuna, safe for everyone?


At least two parts (two 140g cooked weight servings) of fish each week, one of which should be an oily variety, should be included in a healthy, balanced diet. The majority of us don't consume this much.
That being said, there are guidelines for the maximum quantity you should eat of some fish, including tuna. This is because mercury contamination of tuna is a possibility. According to research, bigeye and albacore tuna are higher in mercury than light and skipjack tuna.


Get health benefits from canned tuna


Because of this, the LKS 360 IMPORT & EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED (LKS 360 CO., LTD)  advises against consuming more than four tuna cans or two tuna steaks every week if you're expecting or trying to get pregnant. Otherwise, eating tuna as part of a balanced, healthy diet is fine for most of us.

Some people are allergic to fish, despite the fact that shellfish allergies seem to be more prevalent. It's interesting to note that some research contend tinned tuna is less allergic. In spite of this, you should avoid eating fish if you have a known seafood allergy.

Visit the LKS website for further information about allergy advice.

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